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When: 6 p. ET on Saturday, August Where: Q2 Stadium Austin, Texas. More details on where to find FOX 12 Plus. If you have a HDTV antennae, you can watch this match locally on channel If you already have a Prime account, you should be able to get it and be watching Timbers matches, network TV and local news as soon as it arrives.

Welcome to J. Stout Auctions in Vancouver, Washington. Are you looking to sell? Are you looking to buy used heavy equipment? You can relax and browse our current, ever-changing inventory; all ready for you to review and purchase right now. Browse and bid from the comfort of your home or office. Women sportswriters were more of an oxymoron than a reality back then. I found other avenues for writing. And now I needed to summon that youthful perseverance to succeed here in Austin. Yikes, cold calling to me is one of the scariest phrases in the world, but what else could I do?

Little by little the situation changed. A few solid local rock stars came to my rescue. Pretty soon Matt Levin, another entrepreneurial broker, came calling, as did Scott Senese, who heads titan brokerage company CBRE overseeing operations for a large chunk of Texas. I remember many lunches and coffee meetups with wonderful people who educated me with kindness and understanding. Some were small independents. Others were executives with huge firms.

Some were just dear people who wanted to get to know me and help. I must mention a few by name in random order. Hundreds of public relations and marketing people assisted. Some were small independents. Others were executives with huge firms.

Some were just dear people who wanted to get to know me and help. I must mention a few by name in random order. Hundreds of public relations and marketing people assisted. Thank you for putting up with my incessant demands. Again, forgive me if I missed you. Staying up until 2 a. Sleeping into 9 or Leisurely drinking my coffee. Working on projects from paintings to collage.

I have some business ideas percolating that involve, what else, but real estate, architecture and design? Some of you might want to come up with an excuse ahead of time in case I bother you with another phone call or email — and an idea for a great business or investment.


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